Radiant Infloor Heating

A unique, efficient and cost-effective alternative to forced-air heating

Radiant floor heating can save you up to 40 percent on your heating bill. A Radiant Floor System is an affordable upgrade to any home and it literally pays for itself in comfort and efficiency. Radiant Floors can make your home comfortable without noise, drafts, dust or high heating bills. It turns your floors into radiators that can be zoned to add increased comfort in rooms like bathrooms, kitchens, and basements. You’ll wonder how you ever lived without it.

Unlike forced air heat that blasts you with hot air near the registers and leaves you out in the cold in hard-to-heat areas, Radiant Floors provide a comfortable, even heat by radiating heat from the floor throughout your home or in individual rooms. Because the heat is delivered at floor level, it warms people, furniture and other surfaces — not just air. What’s more, because it does not use blowers, the system does not disperse allergens and pollutants into the air. Contact WestAIR today for more information on how we can install Radiant Infloor Heating in your home.


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